



New Eden Radio reviews: Operation Tango

Developer: Clever Plays Publisher: Clever Plays Release Date: 01JUN2021 Review Date: 30MAY2021 Platform: PC Price at time of Review:  19.99 USD Reviewed by: DJ Daggaroth Operation Tango is a two-person co-op game that puts you and your partner in the role of secret agents in a high-tech future. One of you takes the role of the cunning Agent, while the other takes the role of the brilliant hacker. Together, the […]

todayJune 15, 2021 56


New Eden Radio reviews: Drone Swarm

Developer:  Stillalive Studios Publisher: Astragon Entertainment Release Date: 20 OCT 2020 Review Date: October – November 2020 Platform: PC Price at time of Review: 24.99 USD Reviewed by: DJ Daggaroth Hi All, DJ Daggaroth here with a new release into the strategy genre: Drone Swarm.   A space themed click and drag strategy that puts you in command of tens of thousands of drones to attack, manipulate your enemies, defend your […]

todayNovember 26, 2020 51


Long term Review: Steel Series Steel Pad

STEEL PAD Steel Series Mouse pad The Perfect Mouse Pad Time tested : 19 years.   Let me start by asking a rhetorical question? How do you know when a product is perfect? The answer is: Steel Series SteelPad- When you forget about it, you then use it every single day for hours on end over the space of years and never even think of questioning if it will fail, […]

todayJanuary 9, 2020 13

Signal Simulator


Signal Simulator Review

Developer : Blagovest Plenev Publisher : Blagovest Plenev Release Date : 29th April 2018 Review Date : December 2019 Platform : PC Price at time of Review : 16 Euros at Spanish Steam Store Reviewed by : DJ Anarkros Hello all, DJ Anarkros here.. Thought I’d spend a few moments to go over a game I often play after a long day at work, it involves no online play, no […]

todayDecember 17, 2019 109